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Artist Series Sales Ideas

Leaders Partners has developed over 30 professionally designed Artist Series Sales Ideas for your use. LPI has broken these sales ideas into five easy to understand categories that include Linked Benefit Strategies, Asset Leverage Strategies, Legacy Transfer Solutions, Income Solutions and Additional Planning Strategies.

Our Advisors Only area contains the entire list of Artist Series Sales Ideas in printable format for your immediate use. If you're not already working with Leaders Partners contact us today about Getting Started with LPI.


Created: June 2011


Guaranteed Minimum Income and Death Benefits provide "high water" levels at an annuity's peak value. These riders were enormously popular before the stock market crash of 2008. Many annuities are currently far below these high thresholds and may be underwater for years to come.

TWO POSSIBLE PATHS—ONE RESULT. Upgrade underwater variable annuities awaiting recovery or death to tax efficient linked benefit plans.

To view the complete version of the VARIABLE ANNUITY RESCUE Artist Series Sales Idea login to the LPI Advisors Only area now.

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